Friday, April 25, 2008

My Sister

I have a sister...her name is Tania... let me tell you about her.

She is a wife, mother, sister, niece, daughter, friend, realtor, confidant, housekeeper, taxi driver, follower of Jesus...... and then some!

She is my younger sister, but sometimes takes the place in my life where she 'mothers' me and gives me the advice and guidance I need to hear. She is loving, caring, honest, sweet, funny, beautiful, respectful and giving. She is tender when I need her to be... blunt when I need to hear it... the hug when I need it... a shoulder to cry on when I need to shed those tears.... She has been my rock more times than I can count. Don't get me wrong...we have had our fair share of 'disagreements'... but have come out on the other side of those times, stronger... more deeply connected and better friends than we were before we entered that season. I look over my life and see the times when she was the ONE... and feel so blessed and comforted that God knew we needed each other. In the puzzle that is our lives... the creator of the univerise took the precious time to place our puzzle pieces together so perfectly. The next time you see my sister... tell her I love her!!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

WOW...I think she's equally as blessed!!!