Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Farewell Old Friend

Romeo Condon

Darren and I said good-bye to our sweet kitty Romeo yesterday. He was a loving, faithful and loyal friend and we will miss him always. Our hearts are broken, but we know we made the right decision to let him go. He had a tumor and the vet told us about a month ago that he way dying, we tried to overlook his lack of eating, his extreme weight loss and the lack of activity... but this past weekend it was evident that Romeo was ready to go. Good-Bye sweet kitty... we love you!


Elizabeth said...

I just read your last few posts, and wanted to let you know I support you and love you. I'm sorry for all of the extra burdens you're under lately...doesn't it seem like sometimes that comes in waves?

I'm praying for refreshment and Light for you right now. And I'm praying for the Prince of Peace to quiet your mind and heart and help you to just be "daughter" for a while.

Love ya!!

Shelly Marie Condon said...

Thank you Elizabeth!!! Your kind words encourage and lift me up... I love you too!!!