Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time away with God

As I finish up the last minute details and packing this morning to go off to Camp Shiktehawk (our womens prayer summit).... I'm meditating in my mind on Hebrews 4.... entering the rest of God.... what does that mean? Is it a spiritual rest or a physical rest?... Is it something different for every person? In the crazy, busy, stressed out, over the top and nutty life we all lead.... how do you actually find the time to rest in God... Sometimes I feel like my life is on fast forward and I have no 'stop' or 'pause' button.... and I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling.... Well... this weekend I'm going to ask God that very question... I'm going to go to the Father...the creator of the universe, my Lord and my saviour.... and simply ask. Show us Father how to rest in you!


Melinda said...

It was great putting a face to the blog! It was a great weekend wasn't it?

Shelly Marie Condon said...

YES!!!!It was an awesome weekend... WOW... and it was so nice to talk to you.... and now I'll be visiting your blog too!!!