Thursday, January 17, 2008


I don't listen to much secular music anymore... just a personal choice I've made...and when I do listen to's usually the Kidz Music CD in my car that belongs to my niece Meghan...or the country station...( I know...I know)... Anyway...I was listening to the country station this morning as I was getting ready for work..and this song came on that had some reference to God... I didn't sing along...I didn't hum along.....What happened all during that song was a thought.... that the lyrics didn't line up with the truth... How funny is it that a song that had it all wrong... spoke to me this morning...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Isn't it sad that a lot of people learn their ideas about God from flawed theology like what you hear in a country song?? As a songwriter, I feel an immense responsibility to get the theology of my lyrics correct...if I happen to write a song catchy enough to go around and around in someone's head, I better be sure they're hearing the Truth.

PS...Aren't you glad that you recognize when it isn't the truth?? :) That's a good thing, my friend!